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Teach Them Well.

Ok, ok..So I'm finally putting this this out into the Universe,

I believe it shall be called:

The Truth and Wellness Program for Children of the World.

The goal is to teach children how to find a way to find their way

A program designed to be interworked into an updated eduactional cirriculum for all children entering Middle School throughout High School aimed on providing corses in the following categories: Sustainability: One & the All, Health and Wellness & Media/Tech Education.

Sustainability ALL Courses will include but not limited to:

Classes designed to spark the interest in programs that are beneficial to the Earth's well being. (ie: Building with recyclable materials. Development of Green, Eco-Friendly Materials and Technologies. Smart Agriculture, Climate Study, Electronics, Green Waste Management, Mass Transit, Water Purification the list can go on and on). Those few that I mentioned are programs that can be branched out to help Eradicate problems such as homelessness, by creating easily built homes and living quarters out of recyclables or sustainable materials across the globe. No person shall go hungry or without water ever again if we taught Organic Agriculture, Climate Study and Water Education and Purification Courses. Lets do it.

Health and Wellness Courses will include but no limited to:

A Nutrition Course designed to offer students an insight into their own body type, so that they can develop healthy food management specific to their own being.

Meditation, Stretching and Movement Course designed to get intune with entire body,

Time and Stress Management.

(These courses will be headed by Qualified Counselors who are able to connect with the students to create a safe environment as Parents will be heavily included as well (you bring a kid into this world, take responsibility for that child. That means the health and well being of that innocent child is in your hands until that child becomes an adult and can make it's own decisions. It takes a village..)

Media/Tech Education Course is geared around teaching a healthy way to view and understand Media and all forms of it, Music, Film & Television, Literature and the InterWebs etc. Social Media Education and Outreach programs aimed to help the prevention of cyber bullying and other lewd or unlawful behavior. This will be a way to really look at what trending or what's not trending and break it down to the root of what it is: entertainment, not real life.

Not everything I see on TV is Real. Not everything I read in the Papers, Magazines, Books or On-line is the Truth.

It is our responsibility to show them the way and help them locate their inter-truths and we can do that with guidance and a whole lotta love..

Sustainability ONE:

How do you take what you have learned and apply it to the outside world?

In Sustainability ONE, upcoming graduates will learn the tools to properly function in the real world, and how to take care of number ONE, you.

We will teach how to:

(The following is taken from my friend Jessica Gueco, this FB post that was a big part of the inspiration to write this piece!)

things high school or college should have taught us:

1) how to do your damn taxes 2) buying/leasing a car/home - what are the benefits of either 3) the downsides of having a credit card 4) importance of credit 5) health insurance - wtf do you mean I haven't met my deductible? why did I just get a bill?! 6) how long it actually takes to pay off a student loan and why its important to get good grades so you aren't spending the next 10 years paying off a ridiculous loan when you could have gotten a scholarship

Money Mangement. Time Management, Organization.

In this course we will discuss, how to and what to do, if entering the workforce or college. All of the programs in highschool regarding Sustanability ALL ccourses carry on through college and may be continued on in pursuit of a profession in that feild. It's not all about making money either, its about helping people.

The idea is to have these programs intertwined with a revamped educational cirriculum to provide the proper tools to help our children's future. With careful planning we will eradicate any flawed elements of our current educational system (examples but not limited to: lets get some legit history, spruce up math and science, get rid of flawed teachers, up the screening process (in my eyes teachers should get paid bank!) and let's include more programs such as, Music, Art, Media Production, Creative Wrtiting, Out Door Activities to infuse with these new foundations to spark a new wave of creation. The core stucture will be delevloped and discussed on a later date but for now, the following programs, once fully developed and placed into action, will make this world a better place. Peace & Love.

We will teach our children to teach their children. That is the way.

Teach Them Well.

I want to take a moment to thank a few people for inspiring this piece.

My very dear friend Mr. Derek Padilla for being one the most influential teachers of my time, you are a rare breed my friend, Thank you.

Also my very dear friend Ms.Jessica Gueco for sparking this whole concept! I've had it in my thoughts for a little while but seing what you posted really lit the fire under my butt to put it in writing (or at leat start to)

Thank you two for being awesome human beings!!

To Infinity and Beyond!


Lively Up Yourself - Bob Marley & The Wailers
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